What are the typical Italian summer foods? Let's explore them together with Gambero Rosso! The rising temperatures of summer challenge even experienced chefs. However, for Italians, mealtime is a sacred ritual, and even on the hottest days, they prepare tasty, fresh, and colourful dishes. Expect to see a variety of salads, many tomato-based recipes (the iconic vegetable of Italian cuisine), bruschetta, cold pasta, granitas, and spoon desserts, allowing for enjoyable treats without the need to turn on the oven.
Panzanella: This cold salad, typical of Tuscan cuisine, is made from soaked, chopped stale bread, tomatoes, cucumbers, red onion, basil, salt, pepper, vinegar, and extra virgin olive oil. Lazio has a variation that uses whole slices of bread to hold the other ingredients—a sort of bruschetta made with old bread, sometimes flavoured with anchovies and capers, especially along the coast of the province of Latina.
Friselle: This historic recipe, common in Puglia and Campania, is made from durum wheat flour, water, salt, and yeast, and is usually enjoyed as a standalone meal. Traditionally, there were two versions: one made from high-quality durum wheat reserved for more affluent households and special occasions, and another made from barley or a mix of barley and wheat, prepared by lower-income families.
Acquasala: This is a dish made from stale bread and tomatoes, traditionally prepared by fishermen and farmers. It consists of stale bread soaked in water, onions, salt, tomatoes, and oregano.
Caprese: A dish that highlights the flavors of mozzarella and tomatoes, typical of the Campania region. It is seasoned with high-quality extra virgin olive oil, salt, and can be enhanced with oregano or basil, according to taste.
Cunzatu Bread:Typically made from durum wheat flour, this bread is sliced horizontally like a cake and can be stuffed with tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, salt, oregano, and often includes sardines and cheeses.
Eggplant Parmigiana: A classic summer dish in Italy, it features layers of fried eggplant placed in a pan, alternated with mozzarella and tomatoes, and baked in the oven.
Pasta Fredda: This is a cold pasta salad made with vegetables, pickles, and olive oil. It’s a typical takeaway dish perfect for the office, the beach, or a packed lunch.
Insalata di Riso -Rice Salad: This colourful and flavourful dish can be made in various ways. Some people prefer to use a mix of pickles, while others like to dress it with vegetables or add meat or fish for extra flavour.
Pomodori con Riso -Tomatoes with Rice: A classic dish from Lazio, this recipe features ripe tomatoes that are hollowed out and stuffed with a mixture of rice and tomato pulp. They are then baked in the oven along with potatoes.
Zucchini Ripiene- Stuffed Courgettes: These can be filled with meat, vegetables, potatoes, tuna, or simply cheese, pulp, and breadcrumbs. Stuffed courgettes are ideal for using up leftovers before leaving for a holiday.
Peperoni Ripieni - Stuffed Peppers: Stuffed peppers are a must-have during the Italian summer, whether filled with meat, fish, or a mixture of stale bread soaked in oil, capers, and olives.
Polpo alla Luciana -Octopus Luciana Style: Named after the residents of Santa Lucia, a seaside village in Campania renowned for its octopus fishing, this dish features octopus cooked with capers, olives, and tomatoes.
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