KINDER PENGUì CHOCOLATE CAKE like the well-known snack, this cake is also black and white because it contains cream and chocolate (Nutella to be precise). Easy to prepare and while the kinder penguì cake cools, there is plenty of time to prepare the cream and the chocolate coating.
A dessert which the Italians would call it - goloso! Delicious! Kinder being the popular children sweet from Ferrero, the manufacturer of many chocolate desserts and snacks and of course the famous Nutella.

200 g of 00 flour; 200 g of granulated sugar; 5 eggs; 30 g of bitter cocoa; 1 sachet of baking powder; 120ml of milk; 120 ml of seed oil; 150 ml of whipping cream; homemade nutella for me; 150 g of dark chocolate
Mix the sugar with the eggs in the robot until they become frothy. Turn on the oven at 170°. Lower the speed of the robot and add the milk and oil, keep mixing then add the flour with the sifted baking powder and cocoa. Pour into a lined or buttered 20 cm x 35 cm cake tin and bake for 35 minutes in a fan oven, test with a toothpick, the cake must be dry. Remove from the oven and leave to cool thoroughly. Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie, add a little water to the chocolate, it must be creamy to spread. Whip the cream. Cut the pinguì cake with a wet knife, fill with a layer of cream and put in the fridge for 10 minutes, then with a layer of nutella and again with a layer of cream. Close the cake and cover with chocolate. Put in the fridge.
Bon appetit.. And grazie a Giallo Zafferano!
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