"The recipes of the convent", from the Abbey to Food Network is a successful food program on Channel 33 on the Food Network and features three chef-monks who share recipes from an ancient collection found in the library of the Abbey San Martino delle Scale. Recipes that have remained secret and jealously guarded within the walls of convents; are simply explained and demonstrated in the the program by three monks. Don Salvatore, tells about his passion for cooking, and Don Anselmo and Don Riccardo share their insights and the traditional monastery recipes. Recipes that have remained secret and jealously guarded within the walls of convents. These are the ingredients of the success of the television program "The recipes of the convent" broadcast on the Food Network at channel 33.
The Abbey of San Martino delle Scale is a Benedictine monastery and church located in the hills a few kilometers northwest of Monreale. Founded in the 7th-century, but destroyed by the Saracens, it was refounded in 1347. It appears that time seems to have stopped here; but since the three Benedictines have become famous and their recipes are all the rage on social media.
Don Salvatore, a professed monk and student of theology, takes care of the preparation of the dishes. Don Anselmo, professor of Moral Theology and Spiritual Theology, acts as narrator and helper in the kitchen. While, Don Riccardo, a monk and student of Theology like Don Salvatore, is responsible for the tasting. Don Salvatore, originally from Catania - precisely from Belpasso - explains how his passion for cooking was born: "It came by itself. I attended the Hotel Institute in Nicolosi and, initially, I exploited this experience around, even in Catania. Subsequently, I put my passion for cooking aside and now I've taken it back". Hence the success of the first two seasons of the broadcast and the third already ready. "We finished recording the episodes of the third season just last Monday. We found ourselves in this adventure by chance - explains Don Salvatore - they offered us to participate in this program and we accepted, trying to find time between our various commitments in the Convent and, personally, of study".

Recipes include Melanzane in agrodolce, or desserts such as Fritto di latte, or "Biancomangiare" (vanilla milk pudding) or the " cutumè" (delicious ricotta pancakes), and many vegetarian recipes, as well as typical dishes of the Sicilian tradition. The monks share that they found a book kept in the library of the Abbey which collects some monastic recipes from all of Sicily, not only of the Benedictines but also of the Franciscans, Augustinians and other orders. As for the recipes of the Catania tradition, Don Salvatore also found a small book that contains the secrets of some preparations. Like Crispelle di riso, olivette di Sant'Agata, cinnamon frost or chocolate. Nothing particular secret but a lot of research required into the ingredients used in that era and the history, linked to the territory, told with simplicity between anecdotes and curiosities. Fabulous watch!
Write a comment
Linda Wimmer (Friday, 11 August 2023 06:44)
Is there an English cookbook of these recipes? If so would you be able to direct me to purchase them?
I live in Texas.
Thank you
Linda. Wimmer
Florence Oreiro (Friday, 11 August 2023 07:32)
I would like to purchase recipes in English if available.
Anna (Friday, 11 August 2023 07:52)
I also would like to purchase a copy in English if available.
Jean Darzi (Friday, 11 August 2023 08:19)
I would like to know if you have a cookbook with recipes in English.
Rosie Westcott (Friday, 11 August 2023 09:06)
In italiano o inglese possiamo comprare questo libro? Grazie
ciao@amalfistyle.com (Saturday, 12 August 2023 19:14)
Thanks for reaching out. A couple of suggestions on getting access to the recipes. Under the link https://www.ricetteintv.com/category/real-time/le-ricette-del-convento/ you will find all the recipes from the show - but in Italian. Contact the redazione@ricetteintv.com directly whether there will be translations available.
On Amazon Italy, you can also find a book which a choice of seventy-two cooking recipes, linked to the successful TV program: https://www.amazon.it/Quel-passa-convento-Ricette-pensieri/dp/8831548042. But also in Italian. Mi dispiace.
Mrs. Michelle Pedroni (Sunday, 25 February 2024 20:53)
I would love to know, if you have available a cookbook. English would be ideal.
Please let me know.
Thank you,
Mrs. Michelle Pedroni
Home mailing address
Mrs. Michelle Pedroni
1289 Madison Street
P.O Box 483
Ferndale, California
If you send me a book, even if you only have Italian, I would love to have it. I will promptly send payment.
Mrs. Michelle Pedroni
Episodes in English?? (Friday, 12 April 2024 07:42)
I was in Italy last week and to my surprise, ran across the The Food Network! There were nuns cooking on Sunday night and Priests cooking on Monday night! I didn't understand what they were saying, but food in a international thing and everything looked so yummy!! I enjoyed it so much! Will you be sending the episodes to the USA with subtitles or dubbed? Also...COOKBOOKS PLEASE!
Melinda Sabosky (Friday, 12 April 2024 07:48)
I was the #8 message above.
My mailing address:
Melinda Sabosky
22404 Marjorie Ave
Torrance, California
ciao@amalfistyle.com (Saturday, 13 April 2024 01:30)
Thank you for your comments. I do not have direct access to the Food Network. But I did share the links to the TV program including the recipes (but in Italian). In addition, you can also buy the book on Amazon Italy (in Italian).
Hope this helps.
emeloro111@gmail.com (Sunday, 02 February 2025 15:27)
Do you have a site where I can retrieve your recipes?
ciao@amalfistyle.com (Sunday, 02 February 2025 16:26)
Thank you for reaching out. Pls, check the link here for the recipes. https://www.ricetteintv.com/category/real-time/le-ricette-del-convento/
I suggest you use Google Translate to get an English version or alternatively reach out directly to the TV Network at redazione@ricetteintv.com. Based on the positive responses to the TV Show, they may be planning an English cookbook. I hope this helps.