Modena Chef Marta Pulini had the opportunity to share with the director of the "Ferrari" movie some insights on Italy, and life of women of the time. " "One day the production called me asking if I could meet the actresses Penelope Cruz and Shailene Woodley from the "Ferrari" cast. They came to my home, the idea was that I would teach them how to make fresh pasta, tortellini, tortelloni, things like that. But also if I told them what the life of an Italian woman of the time was like ". The production also asked her to make a list of the tools and ingredients that were used in the kitchens of the time. Pulini was a consultant for the "Locanda in San Francesco" restaurant within the hotel where they were housed. Marta Pulini, has a long experience of working in the United States, where she has opened, launched and managed many restaurants.
The well-known chef from Modena took over the management of the "Locanda in San Francesco" restaurant inside the Hotel Rua Frati 48 in San Francesco. One of the signature dishes from Marta Pulini is the famous Timballino topped with Parmesan cream, artichoke hearts marinated with mint and majoran and finished with black summer truffle. And the Tartare di persico spigola con mele verdi, estratto di sedano e zenzero, citronette al lime e caviale di salmerino - Perch Tartare Sea Bass with Green Apples, Celery and Ginger Extract, Lime Citronette and Char Caviar.

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