La Pasquetta in Italian, is part of the Easter holiday celebrations that are celebrated across Italy; and is after Easter Sunday - a day to relax. It was instituted in the post-war period to create a long weekend, which allows people to have a weekend getaway, or at least a "scampagnata" (jaunt to the countryside). The main way to celebrate Pasquetta is to pack a picnic and head for the country! Many people go to the mountains, the hills, or the beach, or their own family's country property, to enjoy a picnic or a barbecue outdoors. It is the holiday that heralds spring and is a festive, enjoyable day. It is a popular time to take short breaks to the countryside with friends and/or family. The Pasquetta meal features eggs – hard boiled, or coloured ones baked in an Italian Easter bread, and baked frittata, a crust-less quiche. Varieties of salami and cheeses, lovely breads, pastas, calzones and the leftovers from Easter dinner and also included. In keeping with the Easter theme, include a cold frittata, or a "pizza rustica" filled with greens and hard boiled eggs. What should not be missed is La Torta Pasqualina, the traditional Italian Easter pie; and the La Pastiera, the famous Easter Cake.
Something special, if you are planning to be in Rome or live in Rome, is to spend a picnic day at the Rome Cavalieri Hotel. The 5 Star Hotel is offering an unforgettable Easter program for the whole family. This includes a stellar dinner with a special Heinz Beck Easter menu in La Pergola. Easter and Easter Monday brunch with Executive Chef Fabio Boschero's traditional Easter specialties at the Uliveto restaurant. Relaxing spa treatments and massages. And for children, lots of fun with entertainment and Easter egg hunt!

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