To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the futurist artist' Giacomo Balla's birth, the Biagiotti maison has created a fashion show-event that summarizes the marriage between fashion and art and that inaugurates an exhibition made largely with pieces from the collection of Laura and Lavinia and the Biagiotti Foundation Cigna. The collection colors are sunny, in shades of yellow, green, purple, combined with sparkling blazers, dusters and tailored trousers. Dress as a new form of art that dresses the movement of life. So the futurists used to say and so it is on the Laura Biagiotti catwalk of what in fact was the fashion show to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Giacomo Balla's birth.
For the first time, the extraordinary Futurist house in Rome where Giacomo Balla lived and worked from 1929 until his death is open to the public. For thirty years, Giacomo Balla (1871-1958) transformed the entire family home into a veritable work of art. A laboratory of experimentation made up of painted walls, a myriad of furniture, furnishings, decorated utensils, numerous paintings and sculptures, clothes he designed and many other objects that together created a unique and kaleidoscopic total project. He lived from 1929 until his death (in 1958) in Rome and where his two daughters, Luce, later lived. and Elica, until the end of the 90s.

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